Each Key Event in ‘A Christmas Carol’ listed and ordered


  • The narrator tells us Marley is dead. Scrooge is in his counting house – it’s Christmas eve and he and his clerk bob Cratchit are still working

  • Fred, Scrooge’s nephew arrives to wish him Merry Christmas and to invite him to spend Christmas with him but Scrooge refuses rudely. Two Charity Men also visit and Scrooge refuses to give them any money “are there no prisons?

  • Scrooge arrives home and sees the face of Jacob Marley in the door knocker.

  • Later that evening the ghost of Jacob Marley appears – he is wrapped in heavy chains and is doomed to wandering the earth. Marley says Scrooge will end up the same as him if he doesn’t change and that Scrooge will be visited by three spirits who are the only chance Scrooge has of saving himself.Image result for stave one a christmas carolSTAVE TWO:

  • The Ghost of Christmas Past appears to Scrooge. He is both young and old looking and has a beam of light coming out of his head.

  • The Ghost shows Scrooge his childhood – spending Christmas alone at school with only books for company.

  • In his next memories the ghost shows Scrooge some happier times. A Christmas spent with his sister Fan collecting him from school and Fezziwig’s party.

  • Next Scrooge is shown Belle breaking off her engagement to Scrooge because Scrooge is obsessed with money. He then sees Belle grown up with a family of her own.

  • Scrooge struggles with the ghost to make the visions stop and puts the hat on its head extinguishing the light.Image result for stave two a christmas carol


  • The Ghost of Christmas Present arrives – he is jolly and friendly.

  • Scrooge and the ghost visit Bob Cratchit’s family on Christmas Day – they are enjoying Christmas and are very grateful for their tiny feast. Scrooge learns Tiny Tim will die if nothing changes for the Cratchits.

  • Scrooge and the ghost travel the world visiting other people who no matter their circumstance or environment, are all enjoying Christmas.

  • They then visit Fred’s house where everyone is having fun but are making fun of Scrooge.

  • The ghost reveals Ignorance and Want hidden in its robes – the ghost tells Scrooge to beware of them.Image result for stave tHREE a christmas carol


  • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come arrives.

  • The Ghost silently shows Scrooge the reaction of some people to the death of an unknown man. Nobody seems to care that the man is dead.

  • An undertaker, a cleaner and a laundress try to sell the dead man’s belongings which they’ve stolen. They’ve even taken the shirt from his body and laugh that none will notice or care.

  • Scrooge and the Ghost visit Bob Cratchit and his family and learn that Tiny Tim has died, everyone is very upset.

  • The Ghost shows Scrooge a grave with Scrooge’s name on it Scrooge promises the ghost he will change.

Image result for stave FOUR a christmas carol


  • Scrooge finds himself back in his own bed and discovers that it is Christmas Day.

  • Scrooge has completely changed – he laughs and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. He buys the Cratchit family a huge turkey and joins Fred and the family for Christmas dinner. The next day he gives Bob Cratchit a pay rise.

  • We’re told Tiny Tim will survive and Scrooge celebrates Christmas for the rest of his life.

    It is imperative that you know THE REST OF THE NOVELLA – this means as a starting point you must learn the sequence of events and WHERE key events occur (as above). Create a timeline of the above events and add helpful images/sketches/quotes to aid your revision. 

    Image result for a christmas carol timeline of events

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Secondary English teacher in Herts.

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