“If a question on Fred in ‘A Christmas Carol’ cropped up what would I talk about?!”

Despite the fear that potentially surrounds this character appearing in Literature Paper 1, there is a logical means of approaching this. Think of his key moments and what Scrooge and the reader learn from them:

Fred’s key moments:

1) Visits Scrooge in his office to wish him a merry Christmas – contrast in characterisation established (Fred as a foil to Scrooge: ‘There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited’) 

2) Fred holds a jolly family orientated Christmas party where he refuses to be derogatory about his uncle although he does laugh at his miserly ways (“He said that Christmas was a humbug, as I live!” cried Scrooge’s nephew. “He believed it too.”). Fred abandons himself to childish pleasures and games, displaying his absolute acceptance of the Christmas spirit. This intimate moment displays Fred’s deep and unwavering concern for family and the spiritual wealth it brings. 

3) Fred is authentically benevolent towards Bob, expressing his genuine sorrow for the death of Tiny Tim (as portrayed by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come). Bob recounts the ‘extraordinary kindness’ he displays. It appears Fred is unaffected by social prejudice and sees all humans as ‘fellow passengers’ throughout live. His is non-discriminating, a pure model of good will.  

4) Finally, he welcomes Scrooge into the family Christmas without question, never berating him for his past errors (“It’s I. Your uncle Scrooge. I have come to dinner. Will you let me in, Fred?” / Let him in! It is a mercy he didn’t shake his arm off.’). He stands for forward progression and celebrates Scrooge’s redemption. 

So why is he so important?

  • Allegorically, Dickens utilises Fred as a model for embracing Christmas and its associated virtues e.g. goodwill, family, love, community
  • Fred’s concern is revealed by his persistence and pity – his manner is what Dickens sought to inspire in others.
  • Both Bob Cratchit and Fred are important characters in bringing about the transformation of Scrooge’s character.
  • Fred is a foil to Scrooge in the opening of the novella, so helps to heighten Scrooge’s absolute misery nature and need for change.

More on Fred:

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Secondary English teacher in Herts.

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